Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2010

Diva media streaming for chan_capi allows reduction of host load

Using the Diva server board the only one processing overhead in the system is the transport of voice data between Asterisn and Diva hardware.

Diva media streaming allows to eliminate this overhead.
Diva media streaming allows to transport data between Diva hardware and the user application by PCI/PCIe BUS Master DMA. Due to mapping of DMA buffers to user mode this eliminates the overhead on copy of data (or remapping of data buffers) between address spaces and between host memory and system memory, strongly reduces the interrupt load.
With other words the overhead is eliminated at all by the fully new design of interface between Diva hardware and the user applications.

Diva streaming was used as the internal transport between Diva drivers, Diva hardware and Diva API. And now it is available under GPL license as part of the chan_capi code.

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