Diva provides conferencing AGC (Automatic Gain Control) which is used in conjunction with active talker detection to gain the signals of active talkers and to suppress injected by inactive parties noise.
The evaluation of active talkers includes the identification of signal as originated by human talker. Only if source of signal is identified as human talker the appropriate conference member will partipiate in the evaluation of active talkers.
In opposite case (if originated by conference member signal is not originated by human talker) conference member is not identified as active talker even if providing signal with significant amplitude.
The use of human talked detection as part of the active talker evaluation procedure allows to protect conference signal from injected by conference members loud noises and significantly improves the quality of conference even with small amount of members.
Diva conferencing AGC and active talker evaluation receives automatically active for conferences with three or more members. Using Diva configuration is possible to deactivate conferencing AGC or to change the amount of members necessary to activate conferencing AGC.
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