Sonntag, 3. Mai 2009

How to use clear channel fax over IP with Diva hardware and chan_capi

Diva hardware allows use chan_capi 'receivefax' and 'sendfax' commands to receive/transmit fax documents over IP using clear channel fax.

No additional configuration of Diva hardware or significant changes to dial plan are necessary to actiate clear channel fax. Only one change in Dial Plan is the use of chan_capi 'resource' command for IP peers:

exten => s,1,capicommand(resource|1-4) ; Assign resource PLCI
exten => s,1,capicommand(receivefax|/tmp/${UNIQUEID}[|||])
exten => s,2,Hangup()
exten => h,1,deadagi,fax.php ; Run sfftobmp and mail it

exten => s,1,capicommand(resource|1-4) ; Assign resource PLCI
exten => s,n,capicommand(sendfax|/tmp/sendfax001.sff|1234 1234 1234|Outgoing Fax)
exten => s,n,deadagi,faxlog.php ; Log result and schedule restart if necessary
exten => s,n,Hangup

chan_capi 'resources' command is used to assign DSP resources to IP call. This command does not performs any action for E.1/T.1/S0/PSTN calls. This allows to use same context for processing any type of call.

Please read more about 'receivefax' and 'sendfax' commands in README.Diva.fax and more about 'resource' command in

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