By default chan_capi 'chat' command provides one "any-to-any" functionality. This is convient for conferences with relatively small amount of members. In the large conferences "any-to-any" functionality receives not useful. The problems in the large conferences are caused by multiple unexpected talkers which can not mute they signals or are not avare about caused by transmitted signal problems. In the conference with several hundert of members this is not time to ask the members to mute, and this is not time to identify the members who had not muted they equipment. This is desirable to have a control over are conference members and mute/unmute they signals if necessary.
To provide this functionality 'chat' command provides three types of conference members:
- Regular users
- Operators
- Listeners
Regular users can receive voise stream from conference and send voice stream to conference.
Outgoing (from user to conference) voice stream from regular users can be muted (deactivated)
and unmuted (activated) if necessary by 'chat_mute' command.
Operators can receive voise stream from conference and send voice stream to conference.
Outgoing (from user to conference) voice stream from operators can not be muted (deactivated)
by 'chat_mute' command.
Listeners can only receive voice stream from conference.
Outgoing (from user to conference) voice stream is muted (decativated) and can not be unmuted (activated)
by 'chat_mute' command.
The 'chat_mute' command allows to control the state of the conference. It allows to mute and to unmute all regular
users without changing the state of operators and listeners.
The typical conference consists from the group of operators (moderators, ...) who remain always active and allowed
speak at any time and/or control they mute function (on phone equipment or using 'txdgain' chan_capi command )
self. This group of users is implemented as operators.
The other group of users are group leaders who are partipiating most of time listening to conference, but are
actively talking (questions, answers) if allowed by conference moderator. This group of users is implemented
as regular users.
The remainding users are partipating as listenuing only and are implemented as listeners.
The 'chan_capi' command can be used by any user, not only by operator and by conference member. This allows
to use one single user for managing multiple conferences and allows implementation of common conference
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